Jumat, 15 Juli 2016

about raffi ahmad

who does not know by raffi ahmad?
the artist from Indonesia who was young and handsome, most people say ...
raffi born on in Bandung, February 17, 1987, and is a presenter, actor, comedian and singer Indonesia ...
rafii is the eldest of the couple Munawar Ahmad (deceased) and Amy Qanita ...
raffi start career have been an actor and with his runs raffi time involved in a number of sinetron, FTV and movies, into commercials, presenters and singers as well ...
beginning raffi a supporting role in his first soap opera, One Star Show, new Raffi skyrocketed in Hum Puberty as the main character ...
since it raffi constantly appearing in soap operas-sinetron and FTV teenagers and even feature films, one film titled Love Is Love ...
in late 2006 the musician Melly Goeslaw held a casting for vocal group Bukan Bintang Biasa, better known as the BBB ...
Of the many players movie auditions, finally elected Raffi along with Laudya Chintya Bella, Chelsea Olivia Wijaya, Dimas Beck and Ayushita. Their first single, Let's Dance Together well received in the market ...
since 2008 Career raffi become famous since there is music: Strikes are brought together two multi-talented artist Luna Maya and Olga Syahputra. At the end of the year, Raffi along BBB launches new single titled Disconnect continued, and was getting good response in the market. It dismissed the notion that the BBB only vocal groups shortly ...
In 2009 raffi very famous and in demand
2014 ahmad rafffi eventually married the girl of his idol: nagita slavina is none other than actress and friend of her childhood. Marriage Raffi with Nagita or familiarly called Gigi, became a celebrity luxurious wedding party in 2014 ...

Luxury wedding Raffi Ahmad and nagita held in three major cities, Jakarta, Bali and Java Bandung.Mulai from traditional procession, marriage ceremony, reception in Jakarta, Private Party in Bali ...
raffi ahmad a lot of singing, playing movies, video clips, play the soap opera, movie star ads such as Suzuki Spin, Sunlight, Telkom IndiHome and much more ...
and also has won the many awards such as: SCTV award in 2006 as an actor nice, AMI Awards 2008 Production Work Dance / Electronic Best (Let's Dance Together) (Melly Goeslaw & BBB), Indonesia Kids Choice Awards 2009 as actor favorite guy, Panasonic Gobel Awards 2013 : Presenter Music & Variety Show favorite, favorite Entertainment Presenter Talkshow, Bright Awards 2016: The star couple ads based on a survey of TV viewers (along nagita slavina), Couples from your ad star (along nagita slavina), men's favorite commercials, The Brightest star 2016

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